
Zone of Non-being

Darryl Walker Jr


social justice

Anti-blackness and the Wisdom of Dreamless Sleep

I begin with the premise that there are three states of consciousness: 1). being awake, 2). being asleep and dreaming, and 3). being asleep and not dreaming. It is the third state of consciousness that gives us a clue about... Continue Reading →

Stop Saying Everything Happens For a Reason

When a personal setback or national tragedy takes place, many people are searching for explanations. In the understandable desire to alleviate anxiety, a popular phrase is typically offered: everything happens for a reason. While uttered in a spirit of good... Continue Reading →

Our Flesh is the Devil’s Asking Price

Born on the slave ships, packed in tight in a place where humanity is attached to white. Our suffering is not rooted in money or the lack of magic rights, but that the world is addicted to the tragic sight ... Continue Reading →

Why We Need To Fight Nihilism

In the interest of maintaining a semblance of sanity, I have not discussed or written about the presidential elections in quite some time. Pageantry now masquerades on the national stage as a substitute for critical thinking and substantive action. The... Continue Reading →

Laws Are Ego Defense Mechanisms

Our general conception of "law" needs to be completely re-thought. Conventional wisdom espouses the belief that the legal process is neutral and objective. The sheer mentioning of law summons biblical images of Moses descending from the mountains with the Commandments.... Continue Reading →

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