
Zone of Non-being

Darryl Walker Jr


Darryl Walker Jr

The Circus of #ImpeachTrump

Some thoughts on impeaching Trump: 1). A fundamental yet unchallenged premise of these impeachment proceedings is that the political system is structured upon the principle of "checks and balances". The first chapter of any decent constitutional law textbook teaches that... Continue Reading →

Capitalism & The Toll on the Human Soul

Since it is #MentalHealthAwareness Month, I want to explore Karl Marx's theory of human alienation under capitalism. When we delve into the Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts (1844), we learn that there are at least 4 inter-related reasons people become disenchanted:... Continue Reading →

Democrats & The Politics of Torture

I keep seeing the tweet from Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez about Chelsea Manning being circulated - as if its contents are radical or noteworthy. Lets use this as an opportunity to really break down and decipher the meaning of this tweet: Liberals... Continue Reading →

Nipsey Hussle and the Trope of Black-on-Black Crime

Now that the Los Angeles Police Department has identified a black man as a suspect in the murder of Nipsey Hussle, lets get a few things straight about the narrative of "black-on-black crime." 1). The United States has existed for 242... Continue Reading →

Selective Incorporation is Not Liberation

A lawsuit brought by Asian-American students against Harvard University can end affirmative action programs as we presently know them. Here are a few points to keep in mind: The longer we are exposed to debates about affirmative action, the more... Continue Reading →

The Oppression Machine: Electoralism and Neo-Colonization

The United States was built on slavery and genocide. As such, it is an oppression machine that should not exist. Electoral politics, however, is not interested in destroying the oppression machine. At the outset of every campaign, every politician must accept... Continue Reading →

Stand Your Ground: Anti-blackness and the Claim of Self-Defense

We need to transcend the narrow dichotomy that we are being fed by the corporate media and other agents of power about Stand Your Ground laws. The longer we are exposed to these narratives, the more it becomes apparent that dialogue... Continue Reading →

Why You Never Really Own Your House

A pillar of the American Dream is owning a home with a lawn and picket fence. But I question the conventional belief that we ever really own our homes under capitalism. With the commodification of housing also comes a precariousness... Continue Reading →

How to Become a Prison Penpal Today

Folks who are behind bars suffer the highest forms of isolation and alienation. For those who are willing and able - I strongly suggest you become prison penpals. The organization Black & Pink compiles and maintains a database of predominantly... Continue Reading →

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